Friday, December 29, 2006

interview with Pekka Portfors

What role does relocation play in your music?

"Relocation means new impressions, faces, places and sometimes new problems to deal with, these are all things that tumble around in my head when I am writing a song I guess. It can also give a new perspective to old places and people. "

Have you started a band since moving to england?

"No I haven't, I am here for only 5 months, and having to pay rent and all that forces me to work most of the time, but me and two friends, Ben Sheard ( and Vicky Chapman are messing about with some retro computers, such as a commondore 64, an atari, the first ever casio keyboard and other strange, old equipment, we are called Giftbaskets for the Unfortunate. But yeah, as for the time I am trying to get material for another full length record since my last one never made it to the factory and has been outdated. "

What was it like to be in a song with Taxi Taxi?

"It was ace, worth meantioning is that this song did only feature Johanna B.E from Taxi, Taxi! This was a very strange project though, I got the idea one night, asked Johanna if she wanted to sing on one song, which I then recorded the music for and sent to her over the internet. Taking lazy to a completely new level, but it turned out alright! Haha. "

In music what is the difference between the live music scene in Sweden and the live music scene in England?

"It is alot bigger in England I would say, here it feels more like you are going to a club than to a show, which is a bit more relaxing, also it is cheaper and more bands play here. "

While sharing the stage with Jose Gonzalez what did you experience? What did you learn?

I got to support one of my favorite singer/songwriters! Just that is enough for me. The night was fantastic, but I am not sure if I learned anything, maybe that Jose likes to listen to Iron Maiden-type bands to warm up for his shows, but that could just have been a one time thing, haha.