Tell us about the Composition Process, i've heard a lot of bird sounds and distortion in your voice,and some shoegaze/electro pop sounds aswell. Tell us what's the message behind all that effects.. Is that just for fun.. do you like nature or something?
"Well, we like it when sounds start to live their own lives to become something we can't really control. In all these sounds and noise you can hear things that we did not intend to put there. And of course we like the sound of reverberation and distortion, that's the reason we use them. And yes, we like nature, of course, who doesn't? Maybe that's something that differs us from other bands. We get inspiration from nature (trees, seasons, birds and stuff) and are not afraid to be geeky about it. But we also get inspiration from the city as it is a kind of nature we explore in our daily lives."
How did you come up with the tracklisting for the debut EP "Leaves"?
"Eh.... it was sort of a thing that just happened. The songs are almost chronological. We sat down and made songs.... It was our first EP and our first songs so it was a learning process. We are learning new things every time we record a new song. It just keeps on coming!"
What are your expectations in the next couple of years as a band? Are you planning on taking a tour of europe to help support your first LP?
"First of all we would like to have a proper record deal with some small label somewhere. Then maybe a booking company to help us find gigs. As it is now we handle these things ourselves. And what about a tour... That would be fun but Esbjorn is finishing his master in Landscape Architecture and Josef is fulltime PhD student in Cancer Genetics. We don't really have time to go on tour. But we do play occasionally. We'd love to go overseas sometime..."
Being a new band in the market makes you depend on a large number of people from reviewers and critics to agents and managers. Are you feeling the new life style stress?
"No, we consider the band as a social project most of all. It's not something we really think about. It's for fun. So far everyone has been nothing but nice to us. Curiously enough...."
Which band in Sweden would you like to recommend to your fans?
"Radio Dept., Franke, Fireside, Silverbullit.... there are many good bands you know! "